New Enemies and Quests

I've been working on some new enemy designs. Since I am creating a large world, it's important to balance the enemies with the rest of the game. There are a few theories I am going by: progressing the enemies as players make their way through the main quest, or by dividing the map into sections and just having "no go" areas based on enemy difficulty. I think the game will probably settle on a mixture of the two. 

I've also been working on more side quests for the game. The original had very few as I didn't really put much emphasis on exploration in the game and leveling up. I originally figured players would be more interested in the story and progress their way through the game via that mode, however, I am noticing that players like the exploration and treasure finding aspects, and enjoy discovering new enemies, unique environments, and being rewarded for searching.

There is a little of searching in the original game, but it was not something I focused on. In the update I have been working on changing that, developing the lore of Valnok, and improving the battle system. Hopefully I can get the improvements out soon.

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